Ideas & tools to help you build winnable, profitable businesses.

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I'm Nik. I'm obsessed with building new stuff, tinkering with new ideas, learning, and meeting interesting people along the way.

For the past 8 years, I’ve been a founder, worked in Venture Capital and Venture Building across South East Asia, China, and Europe, have failed countless times and succeeded occasionally. While I'm fascinated by the VC funded moonshot startups that are changing the world, I've slowly developed an even stronger passion for smaller niche businesses that are winnable and profitable instead.

Recently, I've started building tools, writiting about and partnerning with founders and business owners to build wonderfull, winnable and profitable businesses. So, hello! It's great meeting. 👋


I write a weekly report. It's a no-BS write-up on new business ideas, the latest niche startups I find on the web, and insights on business building.

500+ people enjoy reading it already. You probably will too.

Recent Projects

Some of the latest projects I've been involved with.

I also incubate own projects, such as most recently.


I recently started sharing business ideas, explorations, and interesting conversations. More coming very soon, here's a start:

Business Ideas


Let's make something people want

I work with founders and business owners to build new businesses, that are

  • in a clearly defined niche
  • winnable
  • have a clear path towards profitability.

I focus on the following 3 parts. Reach out if you think we could be a fit.

IdentifyFind cool stuffI only focus on identifying and working out concepts that check these boxes:
  • undeniable value for a clearly defined group of customers
  • high likelihood of success
  • direct path to profitability
  • clear distribution strategy
  • aligns with overall contextual goals or challenges
BuildBuild what mattersWhen building something new, I mostly work on:
  • architecting the product to be launched and iterated upon quickly
  • identifying and nailing the essential 2-3 features, stripping away everything else
  • ensuring the solution is lightweight, clearly targeted, functional and joyful to use
  • designing a distinctive brand identify & communication around it.
DistributeGet it out thereThings have changed. Instead of working on big launches, let's focus on selling:
  • find & test distribution channels, that are low/no-cost, have a fast feedback loop, are unconventional and easily accessible.
  • measure engagement and behaviour, tweak the product until people *actually* use it
  • implement automation and systems for scale only when distribution is nailed.